
New security measures at airports (earlier this month)

I know it's been a month since my last post on here and since there's so much I want so share with you
,I thought that for now,consolidate this post to just a few points that I feel are worth it for now.I'll share more just before I leave for Barcelona in late august.

I'm giving you my view on the new security measures since some people (I know or see elsewhere) are really confused by them since they're not being too clear on it.

First of all,the new measures are that you must prove to airport security (if asked to,if not ignore it) that your battery powered devices in your hand luggage can switch on and work as advertised due to concerns that extremists are working on explosives that are disguised as phones (if this is true,this can cause big problems for all of us on the plane and none of us want anything bad to happen to anyone,except those who intend to hurt us).

I've done some research on this and I've found that even though this mainly affects direct flights to the US from Britain (for now),it'll quickly extend to other countries,like those controversal full body scanners (as a result of a failed underpants bomber in 2009) did.I feel that since news sources aren't being too helpful for travellers,I feel that I must add in what I know,what my research shows and anything else that can help.

This restriction covers all battery/portable gadgets not just smartphones,tablets (iPads) or digital cameras,meaning that those of you (including me) who use electric shavers may be asked to prove that it really is a functional device and not a cleverly disguised explosive.

Portable phone chargers will also need to be fully charged under these new rules.I'd recommend leaving these at home since you'll just need yet another charger for this.
If you need to shave,make sure to charge your shaver fully otherwise you won't look so great after a nice holiday back.
For electric toothbrush fans,remember to charge this fully otherwise you won't have an easy time keeping your teeth at their best.

Which leads to my next point,always make sure to fully charge the batteries of all the things you wish to carry with you on holiday,as there won't be many places to charge up if you forget to,at the airport.If you don't charge up,you won't be allowed to take it onboard with you,or leave the device behind if you want to fly with a flat battery or some airlines even offer to send it home via post (although I'm aware that some will charge you extra for this).

For those of you who want to hear my take on this,well here it is:I say double check that you'e fully charged everything you'll need for your trip abroad before packing your suitcase and also pack electronic items in the front of your suitcase so you can easily take it out quickly if asked to prove the thing works like intended.Don't pack it behind clothes as it'll be a hassle and you'll have some embarassing moments (especially if other people at the airport can see what underwear you wear or sensitive items,hey we all have them) if you have to empty your suitcase first just to reach your gadgets for checking.

Sources I've used to compile this article (Both clickable and text links are here for transparency):
1.BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28226552
2.BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28185149
3.Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/10948725/New-airport-security-measures-unavoidable-says-Sir-Malcolm-Rifkind.html
4.CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/07/travel/airport-security-new-measures/
5.Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2685357/Australians-caught-new-airport-security-measures.html

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