
My visit to the ITV studio at the start of this week (6/10/2013) .

Since I'm feeling generous this week,I just thought that you'd be interested in my visit to the ITV studios in Leeds.This visit was an invitation from ITV to talk about the Sea of Change campaign that me and my colleagues are involved in (@Seaofchangefilm on twitter)

Journal of my trip to Rome (part 4)

Hi and welcome to another installment of the journal of my trip to Rome.I know that some of you may be getting a little bored of the installments.


Journal of my trip to Rome (Part 3)

Hello and welcome to another installment of the journal to Rome.Since the last time I posted,I've seen a lot of views so before I post,I'd like to take the oppourtunity to say thanks to all my visitors for making the blog what it is today.